
Understanding AI 101


Class Description: Join us for an enlightening session on the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This class is designed for beginners who want to grasp the core concepts of AI and understand its impact on our daily lives. We'll explore the history, current applications, and future potential of AI, all in an easy-to-understand format. Whether you're curious about how AI works, interested in the ethical implications, or just want to stay informed about the latest tech trends, this class is for you! Class Breakdown: Introduction to AI What is Artificial Intelligence? Brief history of AI: From early concepts to modern advancements Types of AI: Narrow AI vs. General AI How AI Works Basic principles of machine learning Key components: Data, algorithms, and computing power Examples of AI in action: Virtual assistants, recommendation systems, and more AI in Everyday Life AI applications in various industries: Healthcare, finance, entertainment, etc. Benefits and challenges of AI integration Ethical Considerations Understanding AI ethics: Bias, transparency, and accountability Privacy concerns and data security The future of AI: Opportunities and risks Hands-On Demonstration Simple AI project demonstration: How a chatbot works Interactive Q&A session: Addressing your AI-related queries Wrap-Up and Resources Summary of key points Recommended resources for further learning Open discussion and networking opportunities  
